[Ubuntu-ZW] Can anyone help with this FAQ:Connecting CDMA Modems to Ubuntu?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 09:03:00 UTC 2011

On 28/06/2011 09:01, Jeff Chivheya wrote:
> The question about how to install CDMA modems has popped up pretty
> frequently on this list and so i think it deserves FAQ status..Can
> anyone help write that FAQ?Sinclair(you seem knowledgeable) or anyone
> else..I will post it to the website for the benefit of all...
> ***The FAQ about GSM modems is on our website.
Soon as I find a bit of time I will put something together, hopefully it 
helps. Given that both Powertel and Africom use CDMA it looks like a 
good idea


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