[Ubuntu-ZW] Ubuntu-zw Digest, Vol 50, Issue 3

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 19:58:31 UTC 2011


while the second method is as complicated, at least, as my "wvdial" 
method, I can not see how the 8 steps of method 1 is much more 
complicated than Windows7? I just now helped a friend install his 
PowerTel on a win7 machine and it includes at least as many steps.


On 05/07/2011 21:19, Tobias Nhambure wrote:
> Garikai
> Does Linux really have to be this complicated? I think this is the
> thing that discourages people to make a full time switch to Linux. I
> have followed all the steps you have provided and have had to switch
> back to Win7 which is just plug and play. I failed to connect and
> maybe I got lost in the tangle of the command lines. maybe Linux is
> really meant for programmers not simple minds like me.
> On 7/4/11, ubuntu-zw-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> <ubuntu-zw-request at lists.ubuntu.com>  wrote:
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>> Today's Topics:
>>     1.  [Solved] Africom CDMA modem (Garikai Dzoma)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 10:16:41 +0200
>> From: Garikai Dzoma<garikaib at gmail.com>
>> To: ubuntu-zw at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: [Ubuntu-ZW] [Solved] Africom CDMA modem
>> Message-ID:
>> 	<CAMpKs6kHSfSBD3y8PFUg+uNGbdKM-Ry+AMeMvRBhM0EM2gxuhw at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Hi, Everyone
>> I am pleased to announce that I successfully connected using the Africom
>> CDMA modem and if it is of any comfort I must say that setting up the
>> connection was trivial.
>> I used two methods which both worked viz: Network manager and pon. Both
>> methods are outlined below. Also note these two methods work on maiden
>> installations i.e. there is no need to install extra software.
>> NetworkManager
>> 1. Plug in your  modem before booting up the computer
>> 2. Boot up your computer and login in to your desktop
>> 3. Click on the networkmanager icon which is on the top right hand corner of
>> your desktop left of the me menu.
>> 4. Select and click on the Edit connections menu
>> 5. Select the Mobile Broadband tab.
>> 6. Click on new
>> 5. Select the my country is not listed option and click next
>> 6. Type the Africom in the connection name box and click next
>> 7. Enter your username at africom.co.zw in the username box
>> 8. Enter your password in the password box and click ok
>> 9. To connect click on the networkmanager icon and click on Africom you will
>> be notified if the connection was successful.
>> Pon
>> If you have beard as big as Richard Stallman's and are not intimidated by
>> the command line you can use this method. Also as you have noted from above
>> the Networkmanger method is only guaranteed to work if the modem is plugged
>> in before booting. With this method the modem can be plugged in at anytime
>> you want.
>> 1. Plugin the modem.
>> 2. Open the terminal and type: sudo bash
>> 3. Enter your password and press enter
>> 4. Type the command pppconfig and press enter.
>> 5. In the pppconfig utility select the create new connection option using
>> arrow keys and  type enter.
>> 6. Delete the default connection name(the text saying provider) and type
>> africom all in lower case. Changing the name is not really necessary but it
>> will make your life easier.
>> 7. Using arrow keys select use DNS and press the space bar to confirm option
>> 8. Select 'PAP Peer Authentication Protocol', hit 'Ok'.
>> 9. Enter your username at africom.co.zw and password pressing enter after each
>> input.
>> 10. Change the modem speed to 9600 (this should be safe since this is a ZTE
>> modem)
>> 11. Select tone dialing and press enter.
>> 12. Enter the phone number to dial as: #777 i.e. hush triple seven please
>> include the hush this is not cosmetic at all
>> 13. Select enter modem manually ( you can also choose automatically detect
>> it which will not work and you will be presented with the option to enter it
>> manually)
>> 14. Type /dev/ttyUSB0 as the location of the modem
>> 15. Choose "Finished write files and return to main menu"
>> 16. Choose "Quit exit this utility" in each case in step 15 and 16 press
>> enter to effect choice.
>> 17. When back in terminal type the command: echo
>> 'replacedefaultroute'>>/etc/ppp/peers/africom
>> 18. Instead of the above command type: sudo route add default ppp0 everytime
>> you connect.
>> 19. To connect type the command sudo pon africom
>> 20. The connection process can be viewed by typing the command sudo plog. (
>> At step 19 however you can see your modem's activity light blinking)
>> 21. To connect as an ordinary user just type the following commands:sudo
>> adduser Username dip and sudo adduser Username dialout replacing Username
>> with your username. After this you can connect by simply typing pon africom.
>> N.B for step 21 to work you need to have used the method in step 17.
>> N.B. I am working on wvdial and will bring you the guide shortly
>> N.B. I do not know whether this will work on the Powertel modem since I have
>> not been availed with the opportunity to test it yet.
>> Happy surfing
>> Yours truly,
>> --
>> Garikai
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