[Ubuntu-ZW] Ubuntu 11.04 upgrade

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 13:51:27 UTC 2011

On 26/04/2011 15:42, Kalpesh Thaker wrote:
> @ martin.. generally upgrades arent too much of a hassle....however,
> they can give issues....
> in my case.. i've done alot of customisation with kde.. and the upgrade
> worked flawlessly.. everything
> is intact.. email.. skype.. files....no problemo.
> @rocco.. locally.. on adsl im getting around 200-300kb..im not sure
> about uhf though...i heard uhf sucks badly because the speed
> keeps fluctuating..
> once again...11.04 & KDE havent failed to disappoint :)
> im loving libreoffice too :) both on moral grounds.. and just how
> quicker it is than openoffice..
> a very wise move there from canonical.
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Rocco <rocs19 at gmail.com
> <mailto:rocs19 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     thanks for the info.  I look forward to the upgrade.  However, I am
>     keen to know what speeds other guys are getting *locally* on adsl or
>     uhf.  I get a max of 60KB/sec both locally and internationally.  I
>     was under the impression that local speeds would be higher.
>     Could someone please advise.
>     Thanks,
>     Rocco.
>     On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Kalpesh Thaker
>     <luminary06 at gmail.com <mailto:luminary06 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hi Guys..
>         Just to let you know that i have successfully upgraded my
>         kubuntu desktop from 10.10 to 11.04 using our
>         local repository..
>         If you would like to upgrade to the latest version which is due
>         in the next few days...you can follow the steps
>         below. you will need a very fast local connection to download
>         the packages from the local repository server.
>         when i ran the upgrade this morning, it needed to download
>         approx 1.3gb of data from the server.. which over
>         a fibre connection took about 4 mins. adsl, uhf and wimax may
>         take much longer.
>         *NB: before you do any of this.. make sure to backup your files,
>         incase something goes wrong.*
>         -to start an upgrade, you will need to use an application called
>         'update-manager'.
>         you can start it by running "*sudo update-manager*" from a terminal.
>         -if you do not have update-manager on your machine (kubuntu does
>         not include it) then you can install it by running
>         "*sudo apt-get install update-manager*"
>         -when update-manager opens, it'll do a check, and you should see
>         a notification that an upgrade to 11.04 is available.
>         click on this and the upgrade will start. the application will
>         check for a mirror, and should notify you that a mirror is not
>         available,
>         and if you'd like to update your sources file with "natty". at
>         that prompt, just say yes. (if there is no upgrade available,
>         click settings, then go to updates, and change the "release
>         upgrade" to normal releases).
>         -the upgrade will then notify you again, with a list of files
>         that will be removed, upgraded and installed. once you
>         are happy with the changes being made, just click
>         next/yes/continue. it will then download the files and
>         upgrade your system. once it is finished, it'll prompt your for
>         a reboot, and then you are done.
>         be warned, the download and upgrade does take a while... in my
>         case, 4 minutes to download, and 1 hour 40 mins
>         to upgrade.
>         also on another note, i tried this upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04
>         only.... i am not sure if this will work from 10.04 to 11.04.
>         kalpesh.
you may or may not have noticed that according to Phoronix 11.04 chews 
more power than 10.10 and earlier - a kernel thing apparently:

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