[Ubuntu-ZW] Internet Cafe FOSS

Ronald Munjoma ronald at ubuntu.org.zw
Tue Jan 19 12:43:06 GMT 2010

Hello Honourable,

You might want to have a look at Butterfly here:

warm regards

2010/1/19 Ganyani Khosa <khosag at parlzim.gov.zw>

>  Colleagues,
> As you might be aware, Parliament of Zimbabwe has set-up an "internet café"
> for use by Members of Parliament, staff and visitors.  The Café is running
> 100% on Ubuntu. We intend to introduce some token system in order to manage
> usage of the limited facilities (similar to the system used in the
> pay-internet café). Can anyone assist with the most appropriate software
> preferably a FOSS that runs on Ubuntu.
> Ganyani Khosa

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