[Ubuntu-ZW] Can someone please help me fix problem with ATI Radeon HD 4570 graphics card
Gyron Mkwebo
gyron at powerspeed.co.zw
Thu Feb 18 11:36:27 GMT 2010
"this is a war that "we" cannot win." Sad truth. However, the idea of
getting into a shop with a bunch of liveCD's before buying a laptop
really apeals to me. I'm never going to buy a laptop before checking how
it works with my Ubuntu and if the salescritters wont let me test their
machines with my CDs, then i wont buy. So far my machine has locked up
on me more than 10 times! yes i mean it. I executed a command, sudo
apt-get install beagle and with 1 second to go, hardlockup! This, truly
speaking is annoying. I dont know how long i have to wait till there is
a fix to this.
On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 13:13 +0200, Kalpesh Thaker wrote:
> Honestly....i think the blame is shared between ATI and ASUS in this
> case.
> The problem with OEMs is very simple, end of the day, its all about
> the money.
> ATI designs a chipset..sells it on to the OEM.
> The OEM looks at the chipset that will bring them the most
> profit....and since ATI's are much cheaper
> than Nvidia, that automatically translates into profit. Especially if
> you keep your cost premiums to the lowest
> possible.
> Now, OEM's such as ASUS, have 'deals' with microsoft. Hence why every
> laptop you buy, automatically
> comes with windows preloaded. So if the laptop works in windows, and
> doesnt exhibit problems.... then the
> laptop is perfect, and will be sold! End of the day OEM's dont care
> that linux doesnt run on their hardware...
> because it works in windows, besides...once you pay for the laptop,
> its a done deal.. ASUS have got their money
> from you...thats all they wanted...and their only objective is
> accomplished once your receipt is printed.
> It is worth nothing, that in no part of the production, is the end
> user ever considered, except for the R&D/Marketing
> department (who make their products flashy enough for you to consider
> buying), and thats all.
> This is the realistic truth. they dont care if an onboard modem wont
> work in ubuntu, because if you read the
> sticker that came on the laptop, it was "designed for windows
> xp/vista/7". When you buy a laptop, it is guaranteed
> to perform with the OS that it comes pre-loaded with. Anything over or
> under that.. is considered "out of specification"
> and no one will assume responsibility for whatever problems you
> encounter.
> Honestly, the pressure needs to rather be shifted to ATI, who end of
> the day, have designed the chipsets, and
> CAN create a working driver/platform which is compatible across
> multiple OS's... But they choose not to...or rather pass the
> buck onto the OEM... who then passes it back to the manufacturer. In
> most cases... they produce a generic "proprietary"
> driver for linux, that provides the bare minimum functionality for
> that particular hardware.
> All ASUS really do, is buy a whole lot of components from tom, dick
> and harry....solder them together, make a nice looking
> case for it... then put it on the shelf for sale.
> It really is a chicken or the egg situation..
> i have had endless arguments with Dell and HP South Africa a few years
> back...on why their hardware wont run
> linux properly. Believe me, this is a war that "we" cannot win. The
> market share for pre-loaded open source based
> computer hardware is just a joke compared to the sales of pc's loaded
> with windows.
> This is the same story with onboard "soft" modems, sound cards,
> network cards, etc etc.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Gyron Mkwebo
> <gyron at powerspeed.co.zw> wrote:
> Trawling the internet for a fix, I found this interesting
> 'rant':
> It is NOT ubuntu’s fault neither Linux fault if the user is
> buying with
> the wrong hardware. Yes, I know, in a perfect world every
> single
> hardware vendor should support linux out-of-the-box. The awful
> truth is
> that is not true.
> So what must users do? They go and buy whatever they think is
> nice and
> THEN complain because linux can’t run on it. It will run, you
> just have
> to wait a little, so the community can have the time to
> reverse engineer
> the drivers blah blah
> But the main thing is that people should START VOTING WITH THE
> ffs get a live cd and BEFORE you buy the laptop try it. If we
> start
> buying ONLY from vendors that DO support linux then at some
> point all hw
> vendors will respect the linux community as they should.
> I, for example, HAVE NOT BOUGHT a single ATI card since 4
> years ago. And
> I tell the same thing to all the people that ask me about
> buying
> decisions. So ATI is loosing 100 clients (because of me) each
> year. They
> will fix their proper linux support or they will continue to
> loose
> clients (not only because of me but because of the buying
> decisions of
> all the linux community).
> DIFFERENCE and stop
> complainig to canonical.
> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 11:51 +0200, Gyron Mkwebo wrote:
> > Got the laptop, worked on it 20 minutes and it freezes. All
> i did was
> > open eclipse and firefox, next thing, hard-lockup. Rebooted
> the cold
> > way, machine gets to desktop and while looking for a network
> using the
> > network manager, hard lockup.
> > I real miss my HP nx7400. Had absolutely NO issues with all
> the versions
> > of ubuntu, i have used on it (started with 6.10).
> > I'll try a BIOs update and see how it goes.
> >
> > On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 08:50 +0200, Donald Hobbs wrote:
> > > I fixed your laptop :-) Its working fine now.
> > > Donald Hobbs
> > >
> > > PhoenixTech
> > >
> > > Cell: +263 912 258159
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