Interesting discovery - xubuntu powered Internet cafe

Neil Coetzer ncoetzer at
Sat Jan 24 22:04:55 GMT 2009

Hi Ronald,

That's excellent. Look forward to seeing the case study for the site.
I'll try to get a section ready on the site when I've got a chance,
since I think we have a few case studies to post.


On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 18:15 +0200, ronald munjoma wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just made an interesting discovery, there is an Xubuntu powered
> Internet cafe in town at the corner of Robert Mugabe and First Street,
> I understand the cafe is run and managed by ZOL, the setup was by
> Gerry. The cafe has more than 10 Desktops running on Xubuntu and all
> their clients seem to be comfortable with Xubuntu.
> I am looking at doing a case study and article for the site on the
> cafe, any ideas are welcome
> Regards
> Ronald.
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