[Ubuntu-ZW] 3g - managed in Kubuntu 9.10

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:02:28 GMT 2009

If anyone is interested... managed to get 3g modem going in Kubuntu 9.10

for starters - forget networkmanager, at least in KDE. It accepts the 
modem is there, it comes up as a little "cell phone icon" and you can 
create a connection that does nothing whatsoever, at least not for me.

Step 1, it seems removing PIN on the sim card is a good idea as I only 
got it working after doing so

Step 2, after inserting the usb modem it comes up as a storage device. 
"Eject" it

Step 3: check from shell via "dmesg" what /dev/whatever the modem gets. 
Mine got /dev/ttyUSB0

Step 4: I suspect wvdial will work just fine but I chose to use KPPP

create an account called Econet (example...) and set number to dial to 
create a modem called 3G, set it to use /dev/ttyUSB0 (in my case) and 
then press "query modem"
you should get some response
go into "modem commands" where you should now have commands predefined
set "initialization string 2" to "AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","econet.net""

save and then try to connect

good luck..

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