Intrepid Release Party

Neil Coetzer ncoetzer at
Tue Oct 14 12:04:07 BST 2008

Hi all,

Please note that we will be holding the first ever Ubuntu Release Party
in Zimbabwe, celebrating the release of Intrepid Ibex (Ubuntu 8.10). As
you know the release date is 30th October. Details for the release party
as follows:

Webdev / TGI, 207 Josiah Tongogara / cnr 9th Street, Harare

Saturday 1st November, from 2.00pm onwards.

We will also be incorporating an installfest, so feel free to bring
laptops or PC's that you would like to have Intrepid installed on. Space
is limited however, so be prepared to wait in line if necessary. Also
please bring blank discs if you would like a copy, or a flash drive for
copies of the iso images.

Aside from installing Intrepid however, this function is primarily a
social event for the Ubuntu and open source communities, as well as any
other interested parties. It will be very informal and relaxed. Some
snacks will be provided by Harvest International, but braai stands will
be available if you wish to bring anything along. Please also bring your
own drinks.

Send any queries to team at 


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