[Ubuntu-zh] Ubuntu apps in China

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach在ubuntu.com
星期二 三月 18 17:07:36 UTC 2014

Hello everybody,

I promised I would follow up on all the activities which have been 
happening in China around Ubuntu apps recently, here is my summary of a 
blog post I just published


  - the Ubuntu App Showdown has its own category for Chinese
    apps, two great prizes up for grabs
  - a great set of judges for the App Showdown, which is still
    going on for 3.5 weeks
  - fantastic work by everyone who worked on the translations -
    thanks again
  - all Ubuntu App Developer Week videos uploaded to youku
  - a great event in Changsha where Joey Chan explained how to
    write apps
  - more events lined up
  - and still 3.5 weeks to go in the app competition

More info in the blog entry I mentioned above.

If you could help spreading the word about the app competition and see 
if others can get involved, that would be super helpful.

Thanks a lot in advance and thanks again for your help!

Have a great day,

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