[Ubuntu-zh] [ubuntu-zh] byobu终端的滚动条问题

Qian Hong fracting在gmail.com
星期二 三月 6 12:13:30 UTC 2012

2012/3/6 郝栋 <haodon1987在gmail.com>:
> Hi All:
> 总算在源头上找到了答案,尽管解释不是让人很满意。
> Q:Mouse wheel produces ^[[A and ^[[B and not scroll terminal.
> A:Byobu does support mouse wheel scrolling, but first you have to enter
> scrollback mode.
> You can do this by either pressing F7, or Alt-PageUp, or Alt-PageDown.
> After you do that, you can scroll just fine. But not before. Sorry! Good
> question, though. Thanks for asking!!!
> 意思就是说byobu是支持鼠标滚轮的,但是前提是我们得先进入scrollback模式,按F7或者alt+Pageup/Pagedown就可以了。
> 具体可以参考:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/byobu/+question/186132
> 谢谢各位的回答

谢谢郝栋的分享 ;-)

Qian Hong

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