[Ubuntu-zh] 请测试 11.10 语言包更新
星期五 十月 28 09:56:46 UTC 2011
有wiki page指导吗?刚才在IRC上没人回应我。。
Best regards,
2011/10/27 Aron Xu <happyaron在ubuntu.com>
> 原文附在后面。测试方法是打开 oneiric-proposed
> 源,然后只更新几个语言包,重新登录系统然后查看翻译情况。如发现bug请迅速报告到此邮件列表。11月9日此次更新将推送至官方仓库。
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielsen81在gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 20:46
> Subject: [Ubuntu-translations-coordinators] Call for testing of the
> first language pack update for Ubuntu 11.10 (FULL UPDATE)
> To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators在lists.ubuntu.com>
> Cc: Ubuntu Translations Coordinators
> <ubuntu-translations-coordinators在lists.launchpad.net>, Martin Pitt
> <martin.pitt在ubuntu.com>, Matthew East <mdke在ubuntu.com>
> Hi translators,
> Ubuntu 11.10 the Oneiric Ocelot was released two weeks ago and it is
> therefore time for the first language pack update. This fist update
> will allow us to quickly correct any potential high priority problems.
> Furthermore, for this release there was some problems, that caused the
> translation of the documentation for some modules to be left out of
> the release. This has now been fixed and in order to make sure that
> everyone gets all the translations that you have worked on, it is
> therefore __very important__ that we get as many as possible language
> packs release this time.
> We've uploaded the language packs to the oneiric-proposed repository
> for you to test before they are released to all users. These should
> contain all your updates and fixes in translations done since the
> release date.
> I'd like to ask teams to test them and provide an indication that
> they've done so by following some simple steps and submitting a
> signoff, so that we know that translations have been successfully
> tested.
> Simply follow the instructions in this page and add your team's
> signoff in the appropriate table:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA
> PLEASE NOTE. That since this is a full update, including
> documentation, you must also perform the documentation tests described
> at the end of the page.
> The deadline for the testing is the 9th of November (in two week's
> time). After that, we'll update the language packs we've received
> feedback for into oneiric-updates, so that all users can benefit from
> the new translations and fixes.
> Remember that you'll have to to enable the oneiric-proposed repository
> to get these updates:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed
> Notes
> -----
> Remember that now you can subscribe to the iCal feed to stay up to
> date with language pack updates and better coordinate your work:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/OneiricLanguagePackReleaseSchedule
> Thank you for your help in testing translations for all users in your
> language!
> Regards,
> Kenneth.
> (on behalf of the Ubuntu translations coordinators)
> _______________________________________________
> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators
> Post to : ubuntu-translations-coordinators在lists.launchpad.net
> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators
> More help : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> --
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