[Ubuntu-zh] 回复: Re: GuangZhou programer

agus apirisr在yahoo.es
星期二 八月 31 07:17:23 BST 2010

Hi Charlie,

It's imposible fill lonely in China, total oposite :)

I won't disturb here, but I introduce myself for everybody.

I'm just a Linux user, begin 15 years ago and I did Linux introduction
courses in Spain as a teacher in middle school , how to install and show
how useful is GNU/Linux. I know nothing about programming.

I'm electrician and I work in intelligent electric systems, I want to do
something about it here.

I was in Spanish list about five years and I have many Ubuntu friends.

I'm happy to see someone like you :)



El mar, 31-08-2010 a las 13:04 +0800, Charlie Cheng escribió:
> Charlie say hello to Gusen from Shanghai. You won't be lonely with Ubuntu, I
> promise.
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