[Ubuntu-zh] ibus's indicator's support or not
星期一 八月 16 11:27:50 BST 2010
ibus-pinyin 怎麼還是1.2.99.20091211-1ubuntu1<https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-pinyin/>
2010/8/16 Zhengpeng Hou <zhengpeng-hou在ubuntu.com>
> Hi all,
> First of all, indicator is very nice and great! I like it a lot, ibus get
> its support from previous release cycle.
> And because indicator is under very active development, its very hard to
> get it merged back to ibus upstream.
> There is a pkg-ime team on Debian side who are taking care of those input
> method related packages, but seems
> we don't have such a team on Ubuntu side, so its a little bit hard to let
> us
> benefit from the latest version of ibus[1].
> And recently, Karl has made a merge for ibus from sid, which doesn't get
> the
> latest ibus work with indicator support in maverick.[2]
> So, its block the latest ibus to our repositary, and because of ibus can't
> be upgraded, then those latest IME also being blocked . And we all know
> that
> input method is the key application which being needed for most of
> non-latin
> users, especially for CJK users, therefore, I propose to drop indicator's
> support to ibus for now, and leverage Debian's effort directly.
> Cheers
> Zhengpeng
> 1 https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-March/030510.html
> 2 https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/564034
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Chia-Pao Kuo
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