[Ubuntu-zh] Ubuntu 8 因为grub error 15无法启动 请大家帮帮我

越夜越美 showbei在gmail.com
星期二 十月 14 01:17:55 BST 2008

CPU£ºP4 2.0
Äڴ棺256MB X 2
ÏÔ¿¨£ºgfx 5200 128MB
Ó²ÅÌ£º40G   ubuntu ·ÖÇøΪ8G£¬Ê£Óà¿Õ¼äΪNFTS¸ñʽ£¬´æ·ÅһЩ×ÊÁÏ

Ubuntu µ¥ÏµÍ³


grub error 15


Cannot mount volume

unable to mount the volume.

mount:wrong fs type, bad option,bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing
codepage or helper program, or other error In some Cases useful info is
found in syslog-try dmesg


1.sudo grub
2.find /boot/stagel
Error 15: File not find

ÔÚÍøÉϲ鵽 grub error 15 µÄÏà¹Ø×ÊÁÏ£¬±ã³¢ÊÔÒÔ´Ë·¨ÐÞ¸´£¬½á¹ûÌáʾ Error 15: File not find
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