[Ubuntu-zh] Ask for help!!! On Internet connection and Chinese input.

赵法得 fordchao在gmail.com
星期五 十一月 17 09:18:22 GMT 2006

Ask for help.

I have installed ubuntu just now , and am facing some problem. They are :

1, I am a Chinese campus guy in Beijing, UIBE. The network connection inside
our school is limited, which means I can not get connected with
international websides without some tool.
Before the installing, I access to them with VIP, known as "Jiao Yu Wang Zhi
Tong Che"( www.vip.edu.cn).
But now, for eduVIP has no software for Linux OS, I have no way to get
connected again.
Any solution?

2, how can I type words in Chinese?
Maybe I can handle it by myself.

Any way, thanks :)
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