Hi all<br><br>I have a question regarding SATA settings in the BIOS of my motherboard:<br><br>My computer is a dual boot with Ubuntu 10.04 and Win7.<br>My motherboard is an Asus M4N82 Deluxe AM3 board.<br><br>My motherboard has an eSATA port on the rear panel which I would like the option of using. When reading the motherboard user manual, it states that I need to<br>
set my SATA controller to AHCI mode in order to make use of the eSATA connections.<br>My motherboard's BIOS SATA controller is currently set to SATA mode (IDE mode), as this was the default value on the board.<br><br>
My question is whether I can safely change the SATA controller setting from IDE mode to AHCI mode without causing any problems to my Ubuntu install?<br>Will Ubuntu automatically detect the change and load the appropriate drivers/software controllers, or is it a better idea to wait until I do a clean install with the next release?<br>
<br>Thanks again,<br><br>Cheers<br><br>Josh<br><br>