Jonathan Hitchcock jonathan at vhata.net
Fri May 29 10:57:27 BST 2009


On 29 May 2009, at 11:54 AM, Neil Manson wrote:
> As root I've done step 1 successfully & created the directory,  
> however every
> time I try to mv I get an error message as follows:
> "mv:  cannot stat 'wine_gecko-0.1.0.cab' : no such file or  
> directory" & yet
> it's laying there looking at me on the desktop!
> Please give us the exact command you typed to do the move

I think he just did that, above.  I suspect that the problem is that  
he is in the wrong directory.

Vincent:  if the wine_gecko-0.1.0.cab file is on your desktop, you  
need to go into the desktop folder in order to move it out.  Do this  
as follows:

cd ~/Desktop

After that, you should be able to run the 'mv' command to move it to / 

(By the way, if you get permission errors when you do try to move it,  
you may need to prefix the mv command with 'sudo'.)

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