[ubuntu-za] Intro Meeting - Earlier Date

Morgan Collett morgan at penguinlabs.net
Thu Nov 30 12:54:16 GMT 2006

Hi everyone

Quite a few people are in favour of meeting before the year end, and
I've had a long chat to our (co-)team lead Craig Adams, so here's a new

Date: 7 December (Thursday)
Time: 20:00 for 20:30

The agenda is shaping up on the wiki:
Please feel free to add items.

The agenda will start at 20:30 but rock up earlier and see who's around
- and propose any last minute things to add...

This will be in #ubuntu-za on irc.freenode.net as previously mentioned -
our very own channel.

We'll keep the Jan 15th date as our provisional next meeting.


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