[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA needs you!

Morgan Collett morgan at penguinlabs.net
Fri Nov 24 15:59:49 GMT 2006

Hi All

I had the privilege recently to attend the Ubuntu Developer Summit in
Mountain View, California at the Googleplex.

It was great to meet people who are really getting the Ubuntu community
going, including Jono Bacon - the Ubuntu Community Manager, and a bunch
of people involved in LoCo teams round the world.

I've come back all inspired - it's time to rock South Africa with

So what is this LoCo team anyway? We're not a LUG - rather this is the
place to hang out with Ubuntu users and activists.

Here are a bunch of useful pages on the Ubuntu Wiki about LoCo teams and
what we can get up to:
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamKnowledgeBase

This is all about getting involved.

There are several ways you can contribute:
* Participate in Ubuntu through
  - Language translations - come on, we have lots of languages!
  - Logging bugs - especially on the development releases and milestones
  - Documentation - get involved in writing and/or translation
  - QA & Bug Triaging - help the developers drink from the firehose...
  - Artwork, marketing, etc.
* Participate in the South African Ubuntu community through
  - Networking with other Ubuntu users
  - Encouraging others to use Ubuntu
  - Get togethers and installfests
  - Events - promoting Ubuntu
  - Feeding Ubuntu-related news to local media
  - Distribution - helping others get hold of Ubuntu on CD/DVD
  - Getting our wiki at http://www.ubuntu-za.org/Wiki up to date and
  - Chatting on IRC #ubuntu-za on Freenode...
  - Getting involved in promoting the LoCo team itself
  - etc!

Check out some of the other rocking LoCo teams:
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColoradoTeam

I've got a copy of The Official Ubuntu Book, signed by three of the
authors, to give away - so get some ideas going for a competition.

By the way, whoever got the forum going for ZA LoCo Team
(http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=194) - awesome! Thanks!

Stay tuned for more enthusiasm...


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