Charles Majola charles at
Mon Oct 31 11:08:17 CST 2005

Jean Gruneberg wrote:

> Philip Copeman wrote:
>> Hi Its Philip Copeman here . I am the leader of the TurboCASH 
>> Accounting project. We are the worlds leading OS package for small 
>> business 
>> If we find the right partners, I will sort out the financing.
>> Anyone interested?
> Philip
> Try emailling the various LUGs in sSA (Lead / SLUG / GLUG etc.)  Sure 
> that you will be able to get several suggestions there.  Mark 
> Shuttleworth recently bought a controlling interest in Impi which 
> includes Cubit accounting - so don't know if there would be a 
> duplication of effort within the Ubuntu commnity tho'.
Impi has nothing to do with Cubit, at least not anymore.

> Jean

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