[ubuntu-za] BitTorrent

Robert Schumann robert at cantab.net
Sat Oct 15 09:17:16 CDT 2005

Robert Holm wrote:

>In the message about the new version of ubuntu there is a request to use
>BitTorrent for the download. While I don't wish to download, it prompted
>me to take a first look at this feature, but I can't get it to do
>anything except list the modification dates of files, and there is no
>help file. A brief indication of the usage would be appreciated.
Try the man page: from a terminal, type "man gnome-btdownload".  
Otherwise just click on the bittorrent link on a webpage and it should 
work automatically.  So when you click on the bittorrent link on the 
Ubuntu download page, it goes away and comes back with a list of 
modification dates?  Are those dates the modification dates of files on 
the iso image of the install CD?  At worst, perhaps you could send a 
screenshot (System > Take Screenshot)?

>Can I get the system to activate NumLock on startup?
Typing "apt-cache search numlock", I get

gkrellm-leds - Keyboard LED monitor for GKrellM
numlockx - enable NumLock in X11 sessions
shermans-aquarium - Sherman's aquarium applet for GNOME 2

So you want to type "sudo apt-get install numlockx" or use Synaptic to 
install it.


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