[ubuntu-za] list for technical questions as well?

Craig Adams craigaa at karg.co.za
Mon Jul 25 13:35:29 CDT 2005

Hi Brad,

See inline...

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 14:38 +0200, Bradley wrote:
> can this list be used for technical questions as well ?

Subject to the whims of the list members, I don't see why not.

Other support resources are: 

Ubuntu Users Mailing List

Ubuntu IRC Channels
irc.freenode.net #ubuntu

Ubuntu Web Forums (Very good resource - receives the mailing list feed
as well)

> I am a designer , and tho I don't have much time at the moment,  I can 
> come up with a design or two if the list needs any graphic art to be 
> done at all given my schedule allows me to.

Great! We don't have any local projects immediately needing art, but I
forsee a great need for your talents when we have a team in place for
the maintenance and management of the ubuntu-za web site.

If you come up with any other ideas, let us know.

> I am lookiong forward to this list!!!



Craig A. Adams

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