[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA Startup
Karl Fischer
kmf at fischer.org.za
Thu Jul 21 02:44:38 CDT 2005
We should have a list of people like (pop - points of presence)
Where people in specific area's could get ubuntu disks from.
That's if it takes to long for Shipit.
On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 08:35 +0200, Craig Adams wrote:
> Hi All,
> Welcome everyone to the Ubuntu South Africa Local Community Team mailing
> list.
> Now that we have a number of people on the list (28 at this time) we can
> now start paying attention to what we can, should and may be doing. ;-)
> This message is mainly a rehash of a message I sent to the list on 5
> July, but with some modifications.
> Ubuntu LoCo Teams are responsible for a number of functions including:
> * Translation
> * Local web presence
> * Local Marketing
> * Media Relations
> * Advocacy
> * Distribution
> * Representation
> In many ways this is similar to the way a LUG works.
> Now that we have a number of people, we need to identify how we can
> fulfill the expectations of the greater Ubuntu community including it's
> users.
> 1. More Team Members
> If you know of anyone who may be of assistance or interested in
> participating, please invite them to join the list.
> 2. Ideas
> If you have any ideas, please feel free to voice them here. There is no
> such thing as a stupid idea or question.
> 3. Ubuntu-ZA Website and Wiki
> Canonical / The Ubuntu Foundation provide web hosting and mailing lists
> for us. What we need to do is make proper use of these services to
> provide relevant information and services. If anyone can assist with
> maintaining the website and wiki, please let the list know. Karl has
> already indicated that he is comfortable with MoinMoin
> (http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/) but the hosting server also offers PHP
> and MySQL, besides the usual static html functionality. I will start a
> thread later wrt the proper use of the web hosting services. (Maybe
> someone else will get there first.)
> 4. Action Plans (Informal)
> When it comes to FLOSS projects, I am not a believer in formal marketing
> plans or detailed action planning, for various reasons. We do however
> need to identify some activities that we can undertake. Please feel free
> to brainstorm regarding usefull ideas and initiatives on this list.
> 5. Translation
> LoCo teams are not necessarily directly responsible for translation into
> local languages, but we should support this in any way that we can.
> Looking at Rosetta, the Ubuntu translation engine
> (https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta/), we seem to have only one person
> involved in translating Ubuntu into Xhosa, Carlos
> (https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/carlos). If we can drum up interest
> and volunteers for this and other languages, all the better.
> 6. Representation
> We need to put some kind of structure inplace wrt the public
> representation of the LoCo. Media relations should be fairly simple, but
> we need to formalise it in terms of spokesperson and feedback
> structures. This would normally consist of a person elected to act as a
> spokesperson for the team. Ideally, I would also like to see a team
> leader in each major center or province in South Africa.
> 7. Advocacy
> General advocacy is something that we can support an nurture through
> working with users and lugs. Ideas here are welcome.
> 8. Ubuntu Distribution
> If you do not know the community distributor programme I have developed
> for OpenOffice.org, please drive on over to www.openoffice.org.za to see
> how it works. I would suggest trying to emulate this model in conjuction
> with the ShipIt facility. This model does, however, need some level of
> financial support to work properly, fortunately the ShipIT programme
> does take a lot of the issues I face on the OpenOffice.org side away.
> Your ideas, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.
> Kindest Regards
> Craig A. Adams
Karl Fischer
Drone, Human and Gnome User
I support 10x10.
Email : kmf at fischer.org.za
Jabber : kmf at jabberafrica.org
Personal Site : http://fischer.org.za
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