[ubuntu-za] Hello
Jacobus Brink
13877720 at sun.ac.za
Wed Jul 20 11:38:11 CDT 2005
>The page http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/teams/local and
>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamRunning provide some basic overview of
>what a LoCo Team should be doing, but this is a guide rather than a set
>of rules.
>LoCo team contacts act as a form of marketing arm as described at
>Kindest Regards
>Craig A. Adams
>On Wednesday 20 July 2005 17:56, Adrian wrote:
> Hi
> I saw this ubuntu-za list and decided to join. I like ubuntu and I live
> in ZA :)
> I see there isn't much activity on this list, yet. So I thought I would
> send this mail :)
> What is this list about? Whats its goal?
> Haw can I help promote Ubuntu in ZA? How can I help improve ubuntu?
> --
> Adrian Moisey
> e-mail: adrianmoisey at webmail.co.za
> cell: +27824835680
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