[ubuntu-x] evdev touch screen input noise filter

Maarten Lankhorst maarten.lankhorst at canonical.com
Fri May 16 16:48:58 UTC 2014

op 16-05-14 15:29, Dan Squires schreef:
> Hi there,
> In our application we have the misfortune of having to use a capacitive kiosk touch-screen that seems to have a horrendous problem with electrical noise pickup, to the point where the cursor moves across the screen rapidly (oscillates) by upto hundreds of pixels.
> Since Ubuntu 11.04 we have been applying a hack to the evdev code to reduce this noise to bearable levels by doing some fairly aggressive filtering. I'm assuming the supplied windows driver must do something similar as I am told there is little if any noise apparent when plugged into such a PC.
> I am hoping to get a better solution integrated into future distributions but do not know where best to apply such a patch that would be acceptable.
> hopefully somebody can make some suggestions?
Sounds like something you should ask to "X.Org Devel List" <xorg-devel at lists.freedesktop.org> and linux-input at vger.kernel.org
They might know more than me. :-)


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