[ubuntu-x] RFC: ubuntu-x team package bug subscriptions change

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Thu Oct 11 19:42:30 UTC 2012

We subscribe the ubuntu-x team to all packages in the distro that we
consider under our maintainership.  That includes all the debian X
stuff, plus many third party drivers, assorted tools, etc.

In launchpad, "subscription" was originally intended as a way to get
emailed for every bug filed, changed, or otherwise touched.  Long ago
launchpad didn't have any ways to configure that.  The result was that
by joining the ubuntu-x team, you were giving it a license to innundate
your mail box (and motivating you to learn procmail!)  :-)

(To be said, it's had a "positive" effect of encouraging people to remove
themselves from the ubuntu-x tean when they're no longer interested in
working on X.)

These days launchpad gives us a lot more control over what gets emailed
(if anything) for package subscriptions.  So we now have the power to
end the bug mail spammery, if we want.

So, my question is this:  Do any current ubuntu-x members depend on
having this deluge of bug mail?

If not, my proposal is we shut it off.

If some people do like having an X bug firehose, I would propose instead
that we set up one or more subteams (ubuntu-x-bugs-XYZ) subscribed to
subsets of packages people actually do care about (like, one for
proprietary driver bugs, one for the core graphics stack, one for input
bugs, etc.)

Thoughts and opinions?


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