[ubuntu-x] Call for -nvidia bug managers

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Thu Apr 23 23:31:27 BST 2009

The Ubuntu-X team is looking for a few brave souls to help tackle
-nvidia bug reports.

We've been getting a lot of reports against this driver, however since
it is a proprietary driver, there is often little we can do to *solve*
the bug, so have tended to focus efforts on the open drivers where we
can solve problems.[1]

Unfortunately, this means that we've accumulated a lot of dupe bugs in
the bug tracker.  There's probably also a lot which are really just
configuration problems / confusion, that could be sorted out with a
little hand holding.

And for the remaining legitimate bugs, often there are workarounds which
could be better documented so as to help users get their systems working
properly with less research needed.

So even though it's a proprietary driver, our bug tracker could be put
into much better shape to help users.

Do you use -nvidia?  Would you like to help get this bug situation under
control for Karmic?  The work probably doesn't require a huge time
commitment, maybe a few hours every week or two.  If you're interested,
let me or Alberto Milone know.

Have a good Jaunty Release Day!

1: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/drivers.svg
   (You can see even with the open drivers we have our hands full!)

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