[ubuntu-x] Fwd: Wacom tablets, TabletPC and Xorg support for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 12:28:22 GMT 2008

Alberto Milone wrote :
> While it would be nice if we the drivers supported multiple devices with input 
> hotplug they might not be released in time for Jaunty. For this reason I 
> believe that developing something that uses the xorg.conf instead of fdi files 
> would be more suitable for inclusion in Jaunty (and could be backported to 
> Intrepid).

Both are not mutually exclusive. Many devices (TabletPC, serials
tablets, since they don't work with the .fdi method yet) may still need
to use xorg.conf for Jaunty anyway.

The tool can output to xorg.conf and .fdi, we can hide that option, or
keep it for testing purposes (like Experimental). Even if the method use
xorg.conf for Jaunty, we will surely need more than one release to test
the .fdi feature
> Once the GTK ui is ready (if well designed) it should be trivial to write a 
> KDE ui.
> I could work on this but I don't know when, since I'm focussing on other 
> things.
> This is definitely something worth discussing at the UDS.

Do we need a Blueprint of something of sort? Who do we make sure the
feature is on UDS agenda, a who will do the presentation? I won't attend
UDS, but if I'd like to participate in the discussion (or present the
Blueprint if necessary and if it's possible by VOIP/chat)

BTW, I updated the GUI mockup at
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/PropertiesMockup and it's
attached as a .svgz

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