[ubuntu-x] Fwd: Wacom tablets, TabletPC and Xorg support for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 22:51:06 GMT 2008

I forgot to point out that besides wacomcpl there's also Tablet Apps
http://alexmac.cc/tablet-apps/ which has a really nice interface and is
already programmed AFAIR in python.

None of them support the initial configuration of wacom devices (even in
xorg) and would need to be patched to support the fdi method for saving
the options they set up, but they already support setting the "fine
tuning" options of the devices (Tablet Apps might not support
calibration of the stylus necessary Cintiq/TabletPC).

I'll do the mockups, but the programmer might save time and efforts
especially with Tablet Apps since it's in python (and really nice).


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