[ubuntu-x] New Xrandr GUI uploaded

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Thu Mar 6 19:32:13 GMT 2008

On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 09:03:19PM +0200, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> (quite a quiet mailing list, but better to show some example than keep
> quiet indefinitely :))
> 2008/3/1, Bryce Harrington <bryce at canonical.com>:
> >   http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/display-config-1
> >
> >  It's still a bit rough, but it's definitely functional and usable now,
> >  so I wanted to get it up for folks to use.  Hopefully we can get the
> >  edges sanded by Hardy.  It also needs a lot of additional functionality;
> >  this will have to wait for Intrepid.
> Yes, it looks great&simple for a quick solution it is. One pretty much
> needed thing would be automated revert of changes if "OK" is not
> clicked in eg. 15 seconds. I was already able to get a black screen
> and impossible-to-login situation until I manually found out about the
> monitors file to revert the rotation I did and the driver didn't
> properly support.

Agreed, this is on my todo list for this week hopefully (I came down
ill, otherwise it'd have been done already).
> When is the i18n coming? It's already past UI freeze, so hopefully
> very soon, and the new translatable strings have to be announced also
> at the ubuntu-translators mailing list. I haven't seen new strings in
> Rosetta / gnome-control-center yet.

This is a process I'm wholy unfamiliar with - is this something you
could assist me with?  I will take care that there are no new string
changes other than the aforementioned dialog (which I plan to adapt from
the prior Screen Resolution tool, so the translations should be


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