[ubuntu-x] UDS: Graphical Configuration Tool for Wacom Tablets & TabletPCs

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Thu Dec 11 23:20:54 GMT 2008

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 07:07:25PM +0100, Lo?c Martin wrote:
> > This is the same use case as applying xrandr settings during startup.
> > So we should make sure to use the same approach for solving both.
> > (E.g., an .xrandrrc file the desktop would load at startup).
> So far so good if the method is successfully used already for xrandr
> (that means my concerns for login are not founded).
> I'm of the opinion that having a separate file from .xrandrrc would
> cause less troubles - users fiddling with their wacom settings won't
> mess with xrandr, and vice-versa. Users posting their custom wacom
> configuration files is quite common, and making sure they only see
> wacom-related lines it a good thing (compared to the mess custom
> xorg.conf can become).

No, what I meant was not that they'd both be in the same _file_, but that
the same general approach should be used - i.e. if we set xrandr
settings with a daemon, then tablet settings should likewise be done
via daemon, but if we use a .xrandrrc file, then doing it as a .wacomrc
file makes sense.  (Or, really, it should be files in ~/.config/)


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