[ubuntu-x] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Wed Dec 10 20:50:04 GMT 2008

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 01:57:50PM +0100, Tormod Volden wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:59 AM, shirish <shirishag75 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >  Bryce on the upstream report jim.gordon of intel said the following
> >
> > "Eric says this error appears if you've got a memory allocation setup that
> > doesn't fit in your apperture, and DRI2 will likely fix it."
> >
> > From what I know, as of right now DRI2 is disabled as per Tormod's forum post
> > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6330401&postcount=7
> >
> > Would need xserver 1.6 as well as a newer version of intel driver from
> > his perspective.
> >
> > Please lemme know what you think would be a good way of resolving the issue.
> I have uploaded xserver 1.6 beta and intel 2.6 alpha to the
> xorg-edgers PPA so you can try it out there to see if DRI2 will help.
> You will need intel 2.6.x for DRI2, unless Timo will do heavy
> backporting to the 2.5.x version...
> Tormod

Hi Tormod, thanks for all the backporting work!

Would you be able to provide backported -intel 2.5 (and/or a 2.5-git*)
for hardy and intrepid?

One bug-work thing I have planned is to bulk-mail -intel bug reporters
once Alpha-2 is out, and request they re-test.  Obviously they would be
able to test against a jaunty live-cd, but I'd also like to give them
the option of installing a backport of the current 2.5 driver for users
that would like to test it on an existing intrepid or hardy install.

The new libdrm makes it a bit tricky to provide the backports, but I was
thinking since you already have them in the Edgers PPA, it might be a
good place for providing these driver backports too?

Based on prior experience with bulk-mail with retesting for -ati, we
were able to get a bunch of bugs resolved.  I've got the scripts to send
the bug mail, so just need the packages for folks to test.


P.S. we could do the same again for -ati; what do you think?

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