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Hi Ladies!<br>
A new round of Outreach Program for Women is approaching, and I
think it could be worth trying challenge.<br>
This program allows to women to participate to some of the most
important FLOSS project, with a mentor who helps in the main process
of the outreach. <br>
This internship could be an interesting working opportunity for
every woman interested in working in FLOSS and it's awarded of 5000
USD stipend.<br>
I participated to one of the past rounds and I found this it
interesting: I'm available to help whoever could need some tips :)<br>
Flavia <br>
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-------- Messaggio originale --------
<table class="moz-email-headers-table" border="0" cellpadding="0"
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Oggetto:
<td>[gnome-women] FOSS Outreach Program for Women
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Data: </th>
<td>Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:20:39 -0400 (EDT)</td>
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Mittente:
<td>Marina Zhurakhinskaya <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:marinaz@redhat.com"><marinaz@redhat.com></a></td>
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">A: </th>
<td>gnome-women-list <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:gnome-women-list@gnome.org"><gnome-women-list@gnome.org></a></td>
A new round of Outreach Program for Women internships is taking place from December 10, 2013 to March 10, 2014. The application deadline is November 11, 2013. The applicants need to get in touch with individual projects they are interested in working on and make a small contribution ahead of the application deadline. The participating organizations are:
* Debian - GNU/Linux-based operating system
* Fedora - GNU/Linux-based operating system
* GNOME - GNU/Linux-based desktop environment and applications
* Linux Kernel - the most basic layer of the GNU/Linux operating system
* Mozilla - software that promotes the goals of the Open Web
* OpenStack - cloud deployment and management software
* Wikimedia - wiki software and infrastructure for Wikipedia and related projects
* Xen Project - virtualization platform
Participants will work remotely from home, while getting guidance from an assigned mentor and collaborating within their project’s team and the rest of the FOSS community. The projects include software development, system administration, web development, user experience design, graphic design, documentation, and marketing. The stipend for the program is $5,000 (USD). Any woman available for a full time internship who has not previously participated in the Outreach Program for Women or Google Summer of Code is welcome to apply. College women from the Southern Hemisphere who will have a school summer break during most of this time are particularly encouraged to apply.
Please visit <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://gnome.org/opw">http://gnome.org/opw</a> to learn more and apply. This program is organized by the GNOME Foundation. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to interested university and community groups.
The mentorship opportunities are also available throughout the year for anyone interested in getting started contributing to FOSS outside of the internship program.
gnome-women-list mailing list
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:gnome-women-list@mail.gnome.org">gnome-women-list@mail.gnome.org</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-women-list">https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-women-list</a></pre>