Hi everyone,<br><br>I've subscribed the mail list a few days ago, and I want to introduce myself, I am Semen and live in Turkey. I've been using Linux for almost 8 years now, my Linux adventure started with Gentoo -- dealing with its numerous configuration issues was a tough but highly rewarding experience. Once I got my bachelor's degree, I started working at Pardus Linux Project as well as enrolling in the graduate-level cs program at Sabanci University on automated software testing. Fast forward three years, I'm currently distribution coordinator of Pardus, where I get to manage all aspects of the open-source parts of Pardus. My day-to-day job is about evaluating and adapting (non)existing development processes and policies according to Pardus community requirements and feedback.<br>
<br>I want to participate Ubuntu Women, because I love Linux and open source and I want to better know how about my peers who deal professionally with similar issues. The fact that you can collaborate with people all over the world, and this collaboration can result in complex, reliable software that is freely distributed, modified and improved. You could have guessed that I also closely track Ubuntu's work and processes.<br>
<br>So once more, hi :)<br><br>-- <br>Semen Cirit<br><a href="http://developer.pardus.org.tr/" target="_blank"></a><br>