<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hello everyone<br>
My name is Micael, I live in France, and I've just subscribe Ubuntu-Women mailing list.<br>
(Apologize for my poor English, I have not English as my native language).<br>
I work in informatics, and I knew Ubuntu since Dapper while I got an Ubuntu server 6.06 for business applications.<br>
Since a few month, I've set up Ubuntu Hardy for personal purposes. Professionally, or for personal use, I <br>
develop applications and write documentations, and touch security.<br>
I would like everyone could learn about Linux Ubuntu, and discover by himself it is a very powerful and <br>
interesting OS, and almost easy to use ! I would like everyone feel Ubuntu is good, and especially women, or <br>
non-familiarly users, friends... every one for who computers are strangers.<br>
I don't know anything about Ubuntu community yet, tasks, and needs, but according to Ubuntu spirit, I hope experience <br>
of each other will by useful to every one.<br>
Best regards,<br>
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