<div dir="ltr"><br><br>Uhm, thank you, so far.<br>Everything started cooking and boiling here, slowly but surely.<br>I ll try to write the article in both Dutch and English. Though English isn't my mothertongue.<br>I hope, by the time everything's ready, someone will be able to check the article on mistakes.<br>
The Flosspoll document is rather painfull about women in open source. <br>I also found some other sad reports so that shouldn t be difficult .<br>Don t want to write a heartbraking article about women, though.<br>Got to find a ballance somewhere.<br>
<br>My name is laacque on irc. As soon as I turn my computer on, I m on #ubuntu-women.<br><br>Akke<br>laacque<br><br></div>