I'm not sure if this has already been thought of but what about a
starting project encouraging guys to get the females in their life
(girlfriends, mothers, etc) to use Ubuntu. I'm not sure what you could
call this project but i'm sure you could think of a creative name. <br><br>Also, the name "Ubuntu-Women" makes the group sound exclusive
to women. I think it should be just as open to guys who want to help
out in getting women to get involved with or use ubuntu. Two idea for
this one: "Ubuntu-fe" which is short for Ubuntu Females but doesn't
quite sound like this is a group for women only. You could even use the
symbol for female with the ubuntu logo as the top part for your team
logo. I also think that "Ubuntu-fe" sounds sort of cool :) There's also
the option of a name that instead of focusing on women, focuses on just
the idea of ubuntu not being gender specific. A name like "ubuntu-sex"
is sure to get some attention ;) I realize a name change is a big
decision but if it will help the goals of the team than i think it's
worth some serious consideration. <br><br>Thanks! <br>.Danny