Hello All!<br><br>I am helping out build the list of Linux training centers and FOSS Developers in the ASEAN+3 region for IOSN. If in case you know of one or two, <i><b>kindly email me back the UR</b><b>L</b></i>. As for the
<b><i>FOSS developers please do supply the following:</i></b><br><b><br>PERSONAL INFO:</b><br>Name: <br>Position:<br>Company:<br>Blog:<br>Company URL:<br><b><br>List of FOSS PROJECTS: </b><br>(For as long as you have the permission of the company whom you created it for, that you will be emailing the project info to me)
<br>Title:<br>Description:<br>Screenshots:<br><br><b>List of FOSS TRAININGS/SEMINARS/EVENTS:</b><br>What:<br>When:<br>Where:<br>Who Organized:<br>URL:<br>Pics:<br><br>You can email me the info in the format most convenient to you.
<br><br>Thank you so much and God Bless!<br><br>Regards, <br><b>YM</b><br><br><b>P.S. <br><br>Please disseminate</b><br><br><br> <br>=======================================<br>Yolynne Medina<br><a href="http://www.iosn.net">
http://www.iosn.net</a> | <a href="http://yolynne.wordpress.com">http://yolynne.wordpress.com</a><br>ym: yolynne.rm googletalk: yolynne skype: ynmedina<br>IRC nick: ulinskie server: <a href="http://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net
</a><br>channels: #iosn #ubuntu-ph #ubuntu-women<br>"Laughter nourishes our Soul"<br>=======================================<br>