Hello<br><br>First of all: sorry my poor english.<br><br>Elizabeth Bevilacqua<br>"So my first suggestion is not assume that all girls like "pink and<br>flowers" - remove the "All things that girls want." sentence from the
<br>launchpad description. My second suggestion is to fix the spelling and<br>grammatical errors, which I understand might require a fluent English<br>speaker."<br><br>- I will do all changes that you suggest, I already contact a great english speaker to made the changes. :)
<br><br><br>Sarah Hobbs<br>"If you wish to market to young girls,<br>you need to properly understand your audience."<br><br>- Hi Sarah, In my contry I'm a "Personal Traineir in Computer Sceince". Basiclly, my students, are females.
<br>See one of my sites: <a href="http://www.forgirls.3njoy.com">http://www.forgirls.3njoy.com</a><br>Well, befere I start this project, I start a discussion in brasilian forum BR, see this topic: <a href="http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php?topic=25615.0">
http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php?topic=25615.0</a><br>- All my female students said to me that Windows is uglly, so I show the Ubuntu, all customized for girls, and she like very much.<br><br><br>Miriam Ruiz<br>"While I agree with Lyz, if this is a serious project I'd be willing
<br>for help"<br><br>- Yes this is a serios project. And thanks for your help. :)<br><br><br>Sarah Hobbs<br>"Oh, and Liz, it's girls. Not women, but girls."<br><br>- Yes, girls, teens and young ladies<br>
<br><br>---<br><br>For all:<br>I'm sorry if my project upset/ofend you.<br>I'm a Ubuntu fan, and my intention is just introduce "girls" in a wonderful world that Ubuntu have.<br>It's more than a "pink" Ubuntu, is a new concept, recentlly I ready that in my country the girls are half of computers user. Ubuntu alread have all softwares, just click one button and was done. My students love this feature.
<br><br><br>Mariwal Jordao<br><br>