I've registered on the first website. Any idea how many days it takes for them to deliver the CDs? Also, I chose the standard mode. Hope that doesnt affect the delivery in any way.<br>Cheers<br>J<br><br><br><br><br><b><i>|| vid || <svaksha@gmail.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> hi June,<br><br>On 3/16/06, June Bug <junebugofsmaq@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>> Hello folks... This is June from India. I'm doing my first year in BA.. and<br>> am planning to change over to a BCA next year. Totally new to Linux ..jus<br>> started using SUSE and am trying to read books based on it.<br><br>If you have just started using Linux, I suggest you try Ubuntu (well<br>this is the Ubuntu list afterall ;-)). You can get the latest Ubuntu<br>CD's delivered to your doorstep free of cost[*] via the shipit[1]<br>program. After you install Ubuntu this community [2] page should get<br>you
started.<br><br>[1] https://shipit.ubuntu.com/<br>[2] http://www.ubuntu.com/community<br><br><br>> Any sort of help/advice/suggestions are most welcome as I am a newbie and<br>> any sort of help would help me steer in the right direction<br>> Thank you!<br><br>Depending on your area of interest, there are many tutorials and<br>how-to's available on the Internet which you can download for off-line<br>reading too. After you install Ubuntu, you can write to the<br>Ubuntu-users mailing list <ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com> which is for<br>Help and User discussions.<br><br>Hope that helps,<br>--<br>|| vid ||<br><br>[*] Be prepared to visit the local customs office to answer tons of<br>questions if you order more than 25-30 CD's as the Indian Postal<br>department will detain & slap duty under various sections.<br>-- <br>ubuntu-women mailing
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