[UbuntuWomen] Grace Hopper Conference 2021 Community Interviews

Monica Ayhens-Madon monica.ayhens.madon at canonical.com
Fri Aug 13 22:26:26 UTC 2021

Hello, all!

I know this list has been a little quiet, but I hope it only gets louder
and more active in the future!

Canonical is hosting a booth at the Grace Hopper Conference at the end of
September, and as part of that presence, I want to host a panel discussion
with women in our community. Whether you're a newer contributor or have
been here for a while, I'd love to chat about you about your experiences,
your hopes for the future of the community, and advice to women who might
want to join us.

If you're interested, please reply here, and we'll try to have details
ironed out by the first week of September. The conference is the last week
of September, from September 28 to September 30, and is completely virtual.
Thank you, and hope to hear from you soon!

Monica Ayhens-Madon (she/her)
Ubuntu Community Representative
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