[UbuntuWomen] Petitioning Podcast Presenters
Aaron Honeycutt
honeycuttaaron3 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 14:32:38 UTC 2016
Did you mean to send this to the ubuntu-women mailing list Alan?
On Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:30:39 AM EDT, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>
> Hello!
> As you may know, we have an Ubuntu based podcast - "Ubuntu Podcast"
> http://ubuntupodcast.org/ which we're quite proud of, having reached
> our 9th season this year.
> Personal commitments have meant we are losing one presenter
> (Laura) this year,
> and so we're looking for new guest presenters to fill in over
> the coming months
> leading up to the end of the year.
> We record on alternate Tuesday evenings at 20:30 UK time for about an hour,
> then spend 30 mins or so wrapping up. The episodes are edited
> over the next day
> or two and published on the Thursday of that week, and the following week.
> Recording is done by each person on their local computer, with
> us all connected
> together over Mumble so we can hear each other, and the
> jingles/music played in
> by Samantha.
> In between one episode and the next we prepare for upcoming
> ones with various
> activities including:-
> * Organising or recording interviews with interesting people
> * Obtaining hardware or software to review
> * Collating news and other articles for inclusion in upcoming episodes
> If this sounds like something you might be interested in, and feel you can
> confidently talk into a (relatively decent) microphone, then please get in
> touch via our email address below.
> show at ubuntupodcast.org
> If you have any questions which you think may be useful for others to see,
> feel free to ask them here. If they're things you think should
> be more private
> then use the address above, which goes to all the existing presenters.
> Thanks,
> Al.
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