[UbuntuWomen] Telegram group

Mikaela Suomalainen mikaela at mikaela.info
Wed May 11 09:09:55 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA512


At the meeting
it was decided that Makaela would write here more about Telegram group
plans, but as Makaela is lazy and won't do it and I have no idea what
the plans are, I will try to write something here.

=== open session ===
The discussion about "open session" started at 18:32.

  * ''ACTION:'' Makaela to post to Community Team ML on Telegram Group

What was said:

 18:39 <Mikaela> would it make any sense to also start Telegram group
which could be bridged to IRC? Antergos has attracted some new people
to real time support that way and Ubuntu LGBT* also has a group. It has
lesser learning curve than IRC and doesn't need bouncers/terminal
multiplexers or anything else than phone number (not shown to anyone)
and supported platform (FOSS client and I don't know any platform

 18:39 <Mikaela> that didn't have some kind of client).

 18:41 <amani_glugcal> sure

 18:41 <amani_glugcal> I do know lot of lgbt people who are not that
 competent with s/w

 18:42 <amani_glugcal> so how do you plan to go about it?

 18:43 <Mikaela> I run bot for Antergos/Antergos ops/personal channel
 and if needed could run one for UW, but I won't do it without more
 people giving permission

 18:44 <amani_glugcal> yes, that makes sense... the community team
 should look into this

 18:44 <amani_glugcal> post to community team mailing list

 18:44 <amani_glugcal> OK?

 18:45 <Mikaela> I am scared of mailing lists and I cannot until
 tomorrow :(

 18:46 <amani_glugcal> Be brave Mikaela... there are few people on the
 list ...it is not a dark lonely place :)

 18:48 <amani_glugcal> #action Makaela to post to Community Team ML on
 Telegram Group Plans

 18:48 * meetingology Makaela to post to Community Team ML on Telegram
 Group Plans

 18:48 <MarkDude> +1 for Telegram to IRC (/me would like to know some
 details on it later if possible.)

 18:50 <Mikaela> MarkDude: #teleirc is the software making that
 possible and you find it from freenode as one running example

I don't know what else to say, but I could add some notes:

* While SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch have native clients, they are
  missing support for Supergroups (include banning and have common
  history that people see when they join and removed line gets removed
  from everyone. Current status is that the libraries they use are
  getting rewritten if I have understood correctly.
* Founder of the group is above all others and is the only one who can
  promote admins. If their account is removed or they leave the group,
  the group just disappears.
* If you are on bigger public groups on Telegram and have feminine name
  and profile photo, you will get a lot of spam, but you can report it
  to Telegram by using "report spam" immediately and if enough many
  people report that person, they cannot message other people than
  mutual contacts. See also: https://telegram.org/faq_spam
* It would probably be more open version of Slack (by not requiring
  invite email to join group) and having FOSS-side client code even if
  the server-side code is closed. However in case of multiple related
  groups something like Mattermost could be better, but it requires
  hosting. http://www.mattermost.org/
* Telegram is not secure thinking about privacy. Telegram has plain
  text accessible to them and the secret chats are insecure, but
  Telegram doesn't care replying just with their Math PhDs.

- -- 
Mikaela Suomalainen
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Website: https://mikaela.info/
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