[UbuntuWomen] Introduction
Gina Feichtinger
gina at geekgrrl.priv.at
Wed Feb 4 20:02:52 UTC 2015
my name is Gina, I'm from Vienna/Austria and new on this list. By
profession I'm a Linux systems administrator, I'm also taking care of
all things storage and backup in my job. I started meddling with Linux
some 16 years ago (oh $DEITY, that long already?) and tried to
contribute to FLOSS communities from quite early on - IRCop on the
back-then "legendary" #linuxhelp channel on freenode, member of the
board of our local LUG, etc.
I'm almost 40yrs old and mother to preschool twins, which kind of keeps
me busy and doesn't allow me to spend as much time geeking as I'd like.
I also love to craft (knitting/crocheting/hopefully-soon-more-sewing)
and cook/bake a lot.
Distro-wise I've long been going back and forth between RedHat and
Debian for professional use and I'm slowly starting to try out and use
Ubuntu for our server installations. All things OpenStack have started
to pique my interest and I want to develop a skill-set in that
direction, which is only hindered by not being able to code much (for now).
I've heard of Ubuntu Women through Lyz, who I had the honor of getting
to know online through LinuxChix quite some time ago. I'm trying to get
back into women-in-tech fora, the highlight so far being my attendance
of AdaCamp Berlin last fall which was absolutely great.
I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to contribute here and
meeting interesting people, participating in discussions. If I left
anything out you'd like to know - just ask! In most networks I'm known
by the nickname of nilasae (or geekgrrl in the vintage age :-) ).
Take care,
Linux/UNIX // Storage // Backup // Databases
LUGA member of the board // http://www.luga.at/
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