[UbuntuWomen] [Blueprint community-1411-ubuntuwomen] Ubuntu Women Vivid Goals

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 13 20:33:01 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by Svetlana Belkin:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [a-mani-cms] Review BestPractices page and add improvements: TODO
  [belkinsa] make (at least some) stories of ubuntu women more prominent on the site: TODO
  [belkinsa] Look into hosting classroom session/day re: Getting Involved: TODO
  [belkinsa] Review Harvest bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/harvest: TODO
  [popey] E-mail UW Mailing-list on how to get invoulved in Ubuntu Phone Project: TODO
  [pendulum] work on compiling list of resources on projects looking for women and resources for projects looking for women: TODO
- [belkinsa] Rename "Quiz" to " Questionnaire": TODO
+ [belkinsa] Rename "Quiz" to " Questionnaire": INPROGRESS
  [belkinsa] Add a question about if someone is a developer or not to the Questionnaire: INPROGRESS
  [belkinsa] E-mail Mailing List abouut Project Harvest Bug testing sprint: TODO

Ubuntu Women Vivid Goals

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