[UbuntuWomen] testing the orientation quiz

Silvia Bindelli silvia.bindelli at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 14:48:56 UTC 2014

Hello all!

2014-08-23 15:54 GMT+02:00 Svetlana Belkin <belkinsa at ubuntusense.com>:
> On 08/22/2014 12:13 PM, A. Mani wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Anna Baas <annabaas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Silvia shared the decision table earlier:
>>> [2] -
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjC0t8MdWzk6dDRBRGVGcGdtWTJpbjYyYmgyX1RLREE&usp=sharing#gid=0
>> that is short
> I agree, we need something for the medium level user.  We are also
> missing bug reporting/testing and what is "Web" referring to?

The discussion on the quiz stopped back in January when it was still a
In particular, web is a typo coming from the Italian version (Italian
loco team has a team in charge of the web site).
As you can see in this thread [1], it was proposed to replace it by
testing. I checked the html page of the quiz and I could not find
"web" so it should be already fine there, the typo was only on the
matrix, which I just corrected.

>> On 08/22/2014 12:13 PM, A. Mani wrote:
>> But we need to be sure that what is shipped is not distorting the state of affairs by way of omission and therefore exclusion.
>> We can collect Updated Independent Versions in launchpad and think about a final version later.

You mean, of the decision matrix? That could be an idea, yes. Maybe we
could first discuss here in the mailing list which questions to ask
and which are the possible reccomendations, and then propose different
versions for the decision matrix. The thing is, for the Italian loco
team it was relatively easy as there is a defined set of sub-teams. In
the international version we should maybe see what are the options:
what are all the activities we can offer in Ubuntu community?

>> Importantly we should have women-specific versions because all the intersectionality does not work the same way.

>> I guess this can be done on the quiz repository? or should it be separate?

For the time being there is no Launchpad repository of the quiz, it's
only available on a server kindly offered by Elizabeth. I guess there
is no problem in moving it there, Svetlana and Elizabeth already
offered their help for accessing the code, and I can help as well if


[1] - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2014-January/003996.html

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