[UbuntuWomen] Non-members posting! [was] Re: Fwd: [Blueprint community-1311-ubuntu-women] Ubuntu Women Trusty Goals

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 15 04:30:02 UTC 2014

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Alex Muntada <alexm at alexm.org> wrote:
> A. Mani:
>> Then can't they post in a proper way through a web interface
>> from that place?
> There's https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-women/+contactuser but the
> mail is sent from one of the sender's addresses in LP. However,
> the messages sent by LP automatically when someone makes a change
> in one of ~ubuntu-women blueprints use the editor's main address
> in LP.
>> Yes, all of those mails can go for moderation if desired.
>> But why should mods sift through other spam?
> Maybe we can find some header that matches all LP mail that could
> be used to filter messages from LP non-members into the list, e.g.
> i think this one could help:
>   X-Generated-By: Launchpad (canonical.com); ...
> Or we can just make a regexp out of this:
>   Received: from wampee.canonical.com ...
> Both headers are present on a blueprint message sent a few months
> ago to this list.
> What do you think?

This helps address the problem of emails sent through launchpad (which
will help), but Canonical has many servers, hostnames change and I
don't know how we'd keep up managing the list of servers actively
being used to send mail because that's all handled privately by

And unfortunately the fact remains that we list
ubuntu-women at lists.ubuntu.com as the contact email for the team on the
page itself, which makes folks assume they can email that address,
which they can't (and for the record, I honestly didn't know we were
discarding without notice all non-member mails, this was a huge
surprise to me and I would have sought to address this sooner, had I
known). We could change the contact to the @gmail.com account that we
have for the team which leadership has access to, but that pretty much
shifts the burden of replying to me and I'd really rather not have
that, I have enough to do :)

I did like your idea of a trial run with turning moderation on for all
unsubscribed users and adding some more moderators, and it seems like
that has a lot of support from folks on the list. Even the most
spam-ful email list I've admined for Ubuntu (ubuntu-users) topped out
at about 20 spams per day and that was quite manageable for our
moderation team. Most lists I manage for Ubuntu projects get 0-2 per

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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