[UbuntuWomen] Discuss: Code of Conduct Revision

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph lyz at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 26 02:32:00 UTC 2013

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 11:05 AM, A. Mani <a.mani.cms at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please check.
> Improvements:
> 1. Inclusive approach.
> 2. Added two new points
> 3. Revised a few sentences
> ________________________________________
> CodeOfConductGuidelines
> Launchpad Entry:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/coc-etiquette-guidelines
> Created: 2007-05-22 by VidAyer
> Revised: 2013-09-23 by A. Mani
> Contributors: VidAyer, Jacinta Richardson and A. Mani
> Status: New
> Code Of Conduct Guidelines

This is a very old blueprint and it has since been decided that the
Code of Conduct is not meant to be a series of concrete etiquette
guidelines. It's instead a very broad tool in shaping how the
community interacts in general.

Instead, each resource within the Ubuntu community has worked to
develop guidelines that specifically address issues in their areas,
for example:

Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/misc.php?do=showrules
IRC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines
Mailing lists: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailing-lists

So it seems like to me that these would be the more appropriate place
for adding further etiquette guidelines.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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