[UbuntuWomen] Code of Conduct & Key encryption

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph lyz at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 7 06:09:28 UTC 2013

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:09 PM, saintlulu irc <lulusaintlulu at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to sign the code of conduct, and get an
> encrypted key.
> I've read the wiki of course, but getting confused.
> Would somebody like to mentor me through this process?
> Sometimes I get dyslexic (for real) and just need a shove.  This is one of
> those times.

First off, I want to say "thank you" for reaching out and asking :)
Signing the CoC isn't easy and ends up being quite the hurdle for new
folks who wish to get involved in the community. There have been
discussions about doing away with the whole GPG signing thing
entirely. Alas, it's not gone yet!

> If you prefer, we could chat in IRC, if you'd like to make an appointment
> for the weekend or something.
> I'm going out of town in a few hours, and shall return Friday
> night/Saturday/Sunday.

If no one chimes in for an appointment (I'm traveling this week and
won't be around much until next), you're welcome to drop by the
channels at any time and ask for some assistance. Even if it's often
quiet, there are usually folks lurking and someone may be able to

And it's a few years old, but if you're more of a visual/video learner
this video may also help:
http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC (I'm dyslexic
too, sometimes it helps me to read it and have it explained out loud
in a video :))

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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