[UbuntuWomen] Best Practices Links

Susan Spencer susan.spencer at gmail.com
Wed May 23 22:41:10 UTC 2012

Sorry to cause a scandal!

The email below violates grrls-only current policies

My apologies to the grrls-only list,
and it won't happen again! :D

- Susan

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Susan Spencer <susan.spencer at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello all!
> Hope UDS in SF was enjoyable.
>  The* grrls-only-request at linuxchix.org *list had a thread
> about the following links. I've put what I'd like to include on
> the Ubuntu Women Best Practice page in quotes
> underneath each link. Links &/or a short thanks to geekfeminism &
> hackerschool
> would be included at the bottom of the page.
>  1. http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Women-friendly_forum<http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Women-friendly_forums> -
> "Should an incident arise, simple apologies are the best response.
> No need for explanations that may worsen the situation
> (foot-in-mouth-disease can be highly contagious).
> The recommended social exchange to strive for is a sincere apology --
> "Please accept my apologies. It won't happen again." --
> followed by a trust-filled response -- "Certainly, apology accepted." --
> with a handshake to seal the deal. No grovelling required.
> The desired result is to quickly move past mistakes onto more constructive
> ground.
> Sincerity and trust are implicit aspects of the Ubuntu and other Open
> Source communities, and
> gender and diversity issues should not be the exception. Social mistakes,
> just like software bugs, are to be treated as learning opportunities in
> order to achieve
> the best possible outcome."
> 2. https://www.hackerschool.com/blog/1-summer-2012-applications-open
> "Show respect for others' knowledge base and technical vocabulary,
> which are as varied in the Ubuntu community as levels of social skills.
> Remarks about someone's *perceived* lack of knowledge or precision with
> terminology often serve to sidetrack technical conversations rather
> than enhance them."
> What say we all?
> (dissenters welcome, please speak up!)
> (agree-ers also welcome, please speak up!)
> :D
> - Susan
> P.S. - Hackershool turned me down, since I'm in a startup situation it
> would probably be a distraction.
> Otherwise it may have been a go (I'm ever the optimist)! I love what
> they're doing.
> If you're in school or can swing leaving your situation for 3 months,
> please apply.
> It would be worth missing a semester or taking a corporate
> leave-of-absence to attend.
> Your career would definitely benefit.
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